A nice clean bottom coming up
After having been overseas for 4 weeks I decided to have SCARLETT lifted and pressure washed and then placed in a cradle ready for a bottom job.

The boys at the marina did their usual very careful job of lifting, power washing and then securely placing SCARLETT into her cradle home for the next week

I had contacted Chris the PO about the paint used last time and i was informed that it was Hemple Olympic 86901.
I was able to get the paint from Pompei marine in Mordialloc for $149 for 5 litres
( against $235 quoted by the local dealer).

l could not believe how a 1974 yacht was in such a clean and well looked after boat.
Well the Hemple went on quite easy with there being enough for 2 full coats and 4 around the waterline and 4 on the keel and rudder.
I changed the colour from blue to red as I was advised that this was the way to go so one could see how the paint was wearing.
She was ready to go back in the water in just 7 days and the marina boys let her hang in the straps for an hour so I could paint the patches where she had been blocked up.
Next lift out I will have her soda blasted right back to the gelcoat so i can really smooth that bottom off.