Merry xmas to all who look at the blog
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Taking out newbies

2 Chinese students that had never been out before.
They had a great day out taking it in turns to as they said drive the boat.
Did a bit of fishing. took 2 flathead one a bit small the other a keeper.

Fished for an hour or so the the wind had started to pick up so had a nice sail down the bay to sandy point
finally came in to the marina at 4pm.

Monday, December 17, 2012
Trailer wheel bearings

Had a call from the yard this morning to tell me that another wheel bearing had gone on the blink.
Just 3 weeks ago I greased the bearings and they all seemed ok. So in the car and a one hour drive to get there two hours and $53 bucks for grease and bearing save caps to fix it then another one hour drive home. Still the poor old trailer is dipped in salt then sits in the yard for years at a time so what to expect
Monday 16 Dec 2012
Managed to get out for a sail today and what a nice day. the new Merc 8hp started second pull. Ran out and headed north in a light breeze. With the tide behind me. Ran all the way up to a couple of hundred meters short of joes island . Hadn't been that far up before. Had a look at chicory lave but it seems to just be a simple run in between the mud banks. Caught a 75 cm snook on spinner jus before crawfish rock but that was all for the day. Lunch was a bread roll and a tin of beans. Had the wind coming from the south on the way back so ran all the way to the steel mill in one close hauled run then tacked to the eastern side of the bay. Tacked back to the refinery then started the motor to run the last bit and into the channel pulled in to the ware at 6pm. Packed up and drove home. A good day on the water
Wind from the south all day with very light breeze in the morning staying in the south and getting up to 15 knots late in the afternoon.
Wind from the south all day with very light breeze in the morning staying in the south and getting up to 15 knots late in the afternoon.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Anchor Woes

I had a spare 5kg danforth but it was next to useless, so a lot of research and talking to different boaters both wind and stink i arrived at a SARCA number 2.
Well the first time i dropped it on only a rope rode in 25 ft of water with about 2.5 knots of tide running it hit the bottom and set instantly. just for fun i dropped and set 5 more times in soft mud and hard sand and the result Instant set every time. I then decided to pull back at full power ( what you could call full pwer with only 8hp) and it simply stopped any movement of the boat
$230 well spent me thinks.
I spent so much time reading about all of the anchors and all of the arguments put up by all of the netziens. Finally spoke to some older sailors at westernport marina and yaringa and decided the Sarca was the one for me.
Repairs to the keel
Due to the hydraulic ram leaking the keel was dropping down onto the trailer. This caused the keel to get a huge 20inch x 2 inch chunk to get carved out of the leading edge. When the keel was pumped up the missing chunk was not visible as it was hidden up inside the hull.
It became more and more apparent that something was wrong as the boat was not pointing very well and then the boys at the yard reported that she was hard to get off the trailer.
I asked to yard to use the lift to take the boat off the trailer and place it on a cradle. $350 later it was sitting on the cradle. The keel came down and oops there was the hole.
I was worried about my capability to be able to fibreglass it back up.
Yaringa Marina Rocks
I dropped into yaringa marina where I met with the lady who runs the local chandlery. Her husband runs the local fibreglass factory and she sent me around to see him.
What a great visit. I showed him photos and we spent an hour discussing and drawing pictures . He gave me all the info I needed then sent me back to the chandlery with a list of the stuff I needed such as the west system epoxy . He also sold me some biradial cloth that works so well. $200 worth of goods and I was off.
Now for the hard bit
I ground the damaged area back with an angle grinder and faired it back to a good 12 to 1 slope.

After that was done some of the yard guys came over to have a look and pronounced the job to be very strong and well shaped. Whew what a relief my first fibreglass job and it passed the hardest test of all the boys from the yard.

During this process i took the pump to the local hydraulic man and he tested it only to find the problem was only partly the pump with most of the problem being the ram.
To get the ram out of a Binks 25 you would need to take to it with a chainsaw as the ram ends are buried in the hull with many layers of glass.
Thinking time and also net research. The answer was reasonably simple. one $80 small trailer inch was fitted inside the hull with a double wire cable passing thru a 1/2 inch hole at the top of the cavity where the end of the bulb finishes up the hull. a 1 x 1/4 inch brass strip was bolted on to end of the bulb to attach the wire.
Now pump 10 times wind 4 turns pump 10 times wind 4 turns and pump 3 times and wind 2 times. Lock the winch and the keel cannot seep down ever again.
One has to be inventive when the boat is 30 plus years old and money does not grow on trees
I went out the following day for a test sail and wow what a difference. Not only did Chinook point very well but the increase in speed was fantastic. When I first got the boat. The best speed I ever saw was 5.2 knots. Even with a light wind I saw 7,6 knots on the gps at slack tide.
The day of the test sail I noticed that the poor old Johnson 8 hp sailmaster was not pumping water too well so I purchase a new water pump kit and then the drama started. Pulled off the lower unit and it came of easily however the shaft was stuck in the power head. Much pulling , banging and sweat later I took it to the local marine shop and after a couple of days got the bad news.

$2250 later the boat now has a nice new shiny 8 hp mercury on the back that is lighter and after having run it for around 2 hours it had to my astonishment used around 2.5 liters of fuel at 1/2 throttle. The old motor was using a tank of 20 liters in around 2 1/2 hours. Boy oh boy I'm happy now
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