Found out from the marina that my trailer rollers are a bit on the worn side so have to fix them.
Had the boys unload the boat the other day and looked at the rollers and oh boy 6 of them are stuffed.
went for a sail however as she was in the water and sailed all the way up the harbour at Yaringa and had a bit of a look around.
The wind was gusting to over 20kts and thats about as much wind as we have been out in
2 reefs in the main sail and about 1/2 of the genny was all I could handle.
Coming home we ran just 3/4 of the genny and made about 11 kph all the way
There are some real nice boats the yaringa so i have included some pics of some of them.
Purchased the trailer rollers this last Saturday $201 inc tax wow
Hopefully the weather is ok next saturday and I will fit them.
Have to also straighten the roller holders as the jamming has bent them.