Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

At last some good weather and kids

Well what a surprise the weather came good on Saturday and with winds of only 10 knots lots of sun and 28 degrees it was a great day for sailing.
We took a couple of would be sail kids aged 7 and

10 girl and boy and did they have fun. We sailed around and let them pull on ropes and hold the tiller and then stopped off to do a little fishing. We must have stopped at the correct time as the flathead went wild. only small ones but gave the kids a lot of fun when they caught about 16 of them, However threw all but 2 back a lesson in not keeping undersize fish.
What a great day but boy did we find out the weather was hot after we landed 31 degrees i believe.

Well must get on to some maintenance now as I have a holoe in the front of the drop down keel caused by the rollers jamming on the trailer so it is underneath the boat putting fibreglass in the hole in an upwards directiion. Hmmm should be great fun (NOT).

Next job is to paint the boat a nice dark blue with a red stripe. and that will be in january

For the guy from WA who watches email me some time on as it will be good to talk to another Binks 25 owner

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Time for some maintenance

Found out from the marina that my trailer rollers are a bit on the worn side so have to fix them.
Had the boys unload the boat the other day and looked at the rollers and oh boy 6 of them are stuffed.
went for a sail however as she was in the water and sailed all the way up the harbour at Yaringa  and had a bit of a look around.
The wind was gusting to over 20kts and thats about as much wind as we have been out in
2 reefs in the main sail and about 1/2 of the genny was all I could handle.
Coming home we ran just 3/4 of the genny and made about 11 kph all the way
There are some real nice boats the yaringa so i have included some pics of some of them. 
Purchased the trailer rollers this last Saturday $201 inc tax wow 
Hopefully the weather is ok next saturday and I will fit them.
Have to also straighten the roller holders as the jamming has bent them.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A nice day on the bay

Ran out for a naughty day off today and had a really nice 6 hours out.
Ok so the wind god got it wrong and only picked up just as I was coming in But after a cold start it got quite warm and i drift fished for one lonely barracuda about 18 inches long. Had a nice hot noodle lunch and listened to Rick Wakemans Journey to the center of the earth.
Must keep an eye on the depth sounder as it looks like it may have a little bit of moisture building up in it ( hope not already have had one that had to be replaced )

Monday, June 8, 2009

A cold but good day

Well its queens birthday weekend and We ( myself and William decided that a nice sail was the thing to do.
The forecast was for 10 to 15 knots so I thought that a quick reef in the sail was the way to go.
However when we arrived at Hastings the wind was zero and the fog was so thick we could only see 1 pole at a time on the way out of the channel.
We got out side to find about 5 knots from the north so we took a short sail down the harbour as far as Sandy Point and the turned around to run back with the tide.
High tide was at 11.30 and it was a monster 3.05 mtrs.
Sailed around and did a bit of fishing and then ran in at 3.30
Cleaned up the boat and then managed to lock the keys in the car. Well had to make the embarasing phone call to ji and li to drive the 50 mins with the spare set
had a cup of coffee at the shop and never again the prices are so high.
While we waited I moved the Genny up the furler about another 10 or so inches so we hopefully can see better under the sail.
All in all a good day.
Sat 6 June 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's nearly winter

Had a great day out last week with Ji Yi sailed 3/4 of the way to Phillip Island and then back almost to the Yaringa entrance.
Nice breeze most of the day dropped off at about noon but picked up in the afternoon. Actually sailed 3/4 of the way up the channel back to Hastings where it got a bit dicey as the wind was getting up to about 18 knots.
Ji was very helpful this time out and is starting to get more interested in sailing.

Binks 25 CHINOOK

Hi there to all out there,

This is to be my blog on sailing my Binks 25 trailer sailer in westernport bay Melbourne Australia