Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chinook reduced price

Now only $15,000 AUD
I have just reduced the price on Chinook my Binks 25 trailer sailer
it was sitting at $17000 aud and now is at $15000
I want to move her on as i plan to start to cruise Scarlett up to asia
You can see chinook on the site at westernport
Talk to Simon the broker there .

Friday, August 1, 2014

A nice clean bottom coming up

After having been overseas for 4 weeks I decided to have SCARLETT lifted and pressure washed and then placed in a cradle ready for a bottom job.

 The boys at the marina did their usual very careful job of lifting, power washing and then securely placing SCARLETT into her cradle home for the next week

The weather was freezing cold and it rained on and off during the seven days.

The bottom was not in bad condition and the scraping and sanding took 3 days. A bit of a a messy job with everything turning blue as we went along.

I had contacted Chris the PO about the paint used last time and i was informed that it was Hemple Olympic 86901.
I was able to get the paint from Pompei marine in Mordialloc for $149 for 5 litres 
( against $235 quoted by the local dealer).

I must say that the PO Chris has been very helpful and friendly every time I have contacted him and SCARLETT was so well       looked after by him. 
l could not believe how a 1974 yacht  was in such a clean and well looked after boat.

Well the Hemple went on quite easy with there being enough for 2 full coats and 4 around the waterline and 4 on the keel and rudder.

I changed the colour from blue to red as I was advised that this was the way to go so one could see how the paint was wearing.

She was ready to go back in the water in just 7 days and the marina boys let her hang in the straps for an hour  so I could paint the patches where she had been blocked up.

Next lift out I will have her soda blasted right back to the gelcoat so i can really smooth that bottom off.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Sailing along

Random Fixings

Have spent quite a lot of time sailing Scarlett and also making some additions

Fitted a TV and antenna
15 inch LED that just perfectly fitted on the bulkhead and is very comfortable to watch.
Funny thing is that I cant receive Chan 10 or ONE tried retuning in the marina and also out on the water. But as melbourne is due to do a digital retune on 8th Jan ( tomorrow ) I hope to pick it up

Also on a trip to Asia recently I purchase a whole lot of Electrical bits and pieces for a song
100 mtr of wire for about $10AUD saving about $90Aud for the gauge i purchased and some wire fittings. Buss bars / shrink tube / fuse holders and best of all LED lights.
3 leds on a strip / 20 strips around $4.50 AUD Total  NICE

Met up with a real nice guy the other day in south gippsland who is selling a whole lot of yachting stuff from a beautiful wooden cruiser and it was certainly worth the 450 km return drive

I purchased a number of mast steps / 800 watt inverter / couple of sheets of ply and a manual achor winch that was almost seized up.

Got the winch home and spent a couple of hours on it to free it up and hey presto it now is ready to mount on scarlett.

The reason for the winch is that at 66 years old i am getting to the stage where mechanical assistance is needed.

I also fitted an automatic bilge pump after a near disaster the day after i purchase the boat.

When we took it for a test sail it was quite windy and we banged her about a bit in the chop.

Unbeknown to myself and Simon from VicSail we must have caused the speed log fitting to loosen somehow and when i went back to the boat the following day to take ownership i opened the locker door opposite the heads and the locker was full of water to within 1/2 and inch of the bottom of the door. ( the normal water level of the boat is to this point )

Just a tiny amount had seeped across the sole and into the bilge so thanks Columbia yachts the design certainly saved a disaster.

Cut a square hole in the sole right back under the steps at the lowest part of the bilge and dropped in an automatic pump that is wired directly to the battery

I also transferred the anchor that i purchased from Chinook to Scarlett as i find that the SARCA is just brilliant the way it simple digs in and stays that way very quickly.

Also did the right thing and put the plough anchor back on Chinook.

I found the gas canister to be getting rather rusty so decided to purchase a new one. What a job. The size did not exist any more with the correct fitting on top so after much hunting decided to call the people who installed the gas on the boat originally ( they happened to be in Hastings ) no worries was the answer and the next time I went to the marina the new gas bottle was installed. Good on ya guys great service.

Last but not least I have fitted a brand new LOWRANCE Elite 5 DSI depth sounder and gps chart plotter. I waited until the model was at the end of its life and then purchased my unit saving something like $350 on the retail value. They also threw in the Navionics gold card fro free. So that was a great purchase.

Fitting the transducer was a bit of a puzzle as the stern of Scarlett does not touch the water. So after reading a lot on the web I ended up fitting the transducer on a pole that is fitted to the pushpit and problem solved.

The unit is fantastic and very accurate. so accurate in fact it shows my boat right in its slip in the correct position. Depth and bottom picture is also right on. No complaints about either the price / fitting / accuracy and ease of use.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A New Boat farewell to Chinook

                    Chinook is now up for sale

at hastings marina look at for details

Have purchased a new boat Columbia 27 named SCARLETT yes thats right with 2 T's

This time a keelboat 5 foot draft. inboard 20 hp Yanmar
Lots of safety gear good sails wheel steering

A few more images of the inside

The Epirb needs a new battery and i just found out that i can buy a brand new one with gps built in for only $45 more than having the battery replaced so a new one will be purchased.

The yanmar is in good condition with 1015 hours on it and i have been told by other sailors that it should give me around 5000 to 8000 hrs if serviced properly.

Even have a marine head and handbasin in an enclosed room now which is much better than what i had on Chinook.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

sailing with an old mate

Had the boat launched on Monday and went out for a brisk sail. Ran in at 4pm and called the marina to see if they would leave Chinook in the water so I could take and old mate  out on Tuesday.
Better still the lovely Dawn said I can have a free slip for the night so I decided to stay on board for the night. Had Fish and Chips for dinner washed down with some nice Stout.
Good nights sleep and my mate arrived at 8am and we went out for a good sail.
The wind was coming directly up the bay so we had a bit of fun tacking down as far as sandy point.
The the wind picked up to about 16 to 18 kts so we ran home on the Genny only against the tide.
Arrived back in the marina at about 3pm
A good time was had